• Question: what is your favourite topic in science?

    Asked by 892heaf49 to Julia, Krishnaa, Laura, Rebecca, Si on 12 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by Laura :-), i've,mckeffed34.
    • Photo: Simon Willocks

      Simon Willocks answered on 12 Jun 2016:

      Hi …

      I like physics…electrical engineering is my subject…


    • Photo: Laura O'Shea

      Laura O'Shea answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Hi there,
      Biology was always my favourite science subject – the human body is the most complex and fascinating thing!

    • Photo: Krishnaa Mahbubani

      Krishnaa Mahbubani answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      Hey all,
      I have always particularly enjoyed chemistry — it’s how we make things both in the larger world and in the microcosm within our bodies.
      Mathematics is very interesting as well — as it allows us to define and model what is happening to allow us to make accurate predictions before things happen – whether it is how two chemicals will react all the way to what we need to mix to get the final product we need.
