• Question: what age were you when you decided to become an engineer ?

    Asked by 732heaf44 to Si, Rebecca, Laura, Krishnaa, Julia on 20 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by Bella_Fry.
    • Photo: Rebecca Pullon

      Rebecca Pullon answered on 20 Jun 2016:


      I decided to become an engineer when I was in my last year of high school – 17. I had wanted to be a medical doctor until this point, but then heard about biomedical engineering as a way to combine my passion of healthcare with maths. So that’s when I decided to go for engineering 🙂


    • Photo: Laura O'Shea

      Laura O'Shea answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      Hi there,
      It was quite late for me, when I was looking at different university courses when I was 18! I’m glad I found it though, as now I can’t imagine doing anything else 🙂

    • Photo: Krishnaa Mahbubani

      Krishnaa Mahbubani answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      Hello — i didn’t decide I wanted to be an engineer until I was doing my A Levels and trying to decide what I wanted to carry on studying at University. Although talking to my family, I have always taken things apart in the house to try and find out how they worked — so perhaps I have always wanted to be one, just hadn’t understood it myself 🙂
